A Note To the Smartest People in the World

If you subscribe to Just Exactly Perfect that makes you one of the smartest people in the world. Thank you!

More and more, I am migrating JEP content to a platform called Substack. I’m doing this for a couple of reasons. Substack draws a tremendous amount of traffic, which every blogger wants. For a good overview of Substack, check out this interview with the company’s CEO.


The other reason for using Substack is how it enhances the presentation of my blogs when they are sent out as emails. I like to use “rich media” — photos, videos, and internet links — to enhance my posts (I need all the help I can get!). The current platform for JEP is WordPress, which I love, but the emails that you receive with my posts generally do not support the media I include — which is half the fun!

So I encourage y’all to visit JEP on Substack and sign up, which you can do at the bottom of each post! Here’s a link to the latest post, a romantic wrap-up of the Ryder Cup.



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